Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 35

Yesterday was my 35/35...meaning I was 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days to go. I think I am in that "Oh crap" stage right now where it is coming so fast and I'm wondering if I'm really ready for all this. This past weekend we made a trip to Babies R Us to get "last minute" stuff but we all know that this won't be my last trip. It should be our last trip until the baby is born though so I do feel "prepared" in that sense. The last couple items on our to-do list is to install the blinds in the nursery (which should be arriving any day now), make a trip to our local police department to get the car seats inspected, get my hospital bag together and get the video monitor all hooked up and ready. After that, I will say that we are "ready".

I had an OB appt this past Friday and everything looks good. I'm still holding steady at 5lbs. gained since Nov. however my belly keeps growing so the baby is getting bigger. This doctor didn't seem concerned with my weight gain since I have GD. I've noticed that my pants/shorts are baggy in the legs and my bracelets are very loose on my wrists so I know I am losing weight in other places. Doctor also felt that the baby is head down and the chances of him turning now are very slim....yay for that! Heart rate was good (130's) and my blood pressure was excellent. Next appt will be my first internal exam and strep B test...woohoo!

I've been feeling totally worn out the past couple days. After spending a few hours at Babies R Us, Target and the grocery store yesterday, I felt like I was hit by a bus. I really couldn't believe how worn out I felt. I could barely walk when we were in the grocery store and numerous strangers kept saying, "Wow, it looks like you are going to pop!" or "You look like you are ready to go any minute!" I am now getting asked the million questions...How are you feeling, when are you due, is it a boy or girl, do you have names picked out, etc. Everywhere I go I get asked all these questions...I know people mean well but it sure is getting annoying. I feel like I should have a sheet all typed out with the answers that I can just hand to people...LOL!

We had a big family picnic this past Saturday and I was so upset that I couldn't eat a single thing they had there. I sat there and drank my bottle of water while everyone else ate hundreds of dishes prepared by my family members. Ok, the only thing I COULD eat was the veggie tray...oh boy! For some reason, my sugar level was HIGH before I left for the picnic (first ever high number) so I couldn't "cheat" a little and have some of the yummy foods. The dessert table had to have at least 25 different dishes on it and of course the bottled water was stationed at this table. I had to walk past the cherry cheesecake, peanut butter cupcakes, brownie tray, cookie tray (and more) to get my lovely bottle of Deerpark water...yum! Everyone felt terrible that I couldn't eat anything but I just didn't want to spike my sugar any more than it already was. Damn sugar! It did come down later during the day and my numbers have been good ever since...not sure what happened there but I guess my hormones didn't want to cooperate for a couple hours. Oh was more important to keep Keaton healthy than to be selfish and indulge in a little treat.

This coming week is slow for me. I have a lia sophia meeting on Wed and I'm just looking forward to the 3 day weekend. No real big plans for the holiday so it should be nice and relaxing...YAY! On a side note, Erik has an interview for what can be an excellent job for him this Wed afternoon so if you can spare any good vibes his way...I would appreciate it. : )

Fetal Development
Your baby is getting plump. The fat deposits are now beginning to offer form and fullness to your baby's legs and arms. Your baby is taking up most of the room in your uterus, so there is a lot less room to move around. Also, your baby's lungs are now completely developed and producing what is called surfactant, a substance that helps in the exchange of oxygen in the lungs. Your baby is now approximately 18 inches long and weighs about five pounds. If you were to have your premature baby now, you'd be happy to know that there is a 99 percent chance of the baby surviving.

My Symptoms
- Extreme exhaustion
- Slight swelling in my left ankle/foot
- Lots of ligament pains
- Uncomfortable sleep
- Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and cramping (all good signs according to my body is getting prepared)

35 week belly pic!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I wanted a shirt for work that said "I'm x weeks pg, x weeks to go. Do not comment on my weight or how the baby looks, we are healthy thats all that matters. And if you have any advice---please keep it to yourself. I'm not interested anymore." LoL Totally understand how you are feeling. Just think 5 more weeks!!! :-)