Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 36

The weeks keep flying by...only 4 more to go!!!! I honestly can't freaking believe it! I remember making the big grand announcement to the family on Christmas morning and now I'm just about ready to give's crazy! I'm so ready for this baby and so ready to be a MOM. We finally have everything organized and ready to go for Keaton's arrival (as organized and ready as new parents to be will be)...we are just enjoying these last couple weeks as the two of us. I know life is going to change big time so we are enjoying each other as much as we can. It won't be much longer now.

Tomorrow I have an OB appt (they are every week now) and this will be my first internal exam to see what progress I am making and to make sure he is still head down. I will also be getting my group B strep test done at this visit. Fun fun! I'm really anxious to see what's going on in there. I have a feeling that I've been making progress with all the cramping and pain I have been having....something HAS to be going on in there, don't ya think? I really hope so! Erik is amazed at how slow I am right now. I am normally a busy body, doing something every single second of the day but lately I sit/lay on the couch trying to ease up this cramping and ligament pain. Don't get me wrong, I would do all this over again in a second to have a healthy baby in my arms but sometimes the pain just gets to ya. I'm down the home stretch now and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Another BIG thing I am looking forward to is GETTING OFF THE GD DIET! It's painful to sit at 4th of July picnics and watch everyone else eat the yummy summertime foods and especially the desserts while you nibble on some veggies and sip on water! I can't WAIT to have a few treats when this is all over. I can't wait to have that first spoonful of a peanut butter cup blizzard from DQ....mmmmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I can do it though...

The hospital bag is packed and ready to go. I only need to throw in a couple toiletry items once it is time to head out. I couldn't decide on what outfit to bring for Keaton's ride home so I packed like 4...LOL! I like to be over prepared so there is all kinds of stuff in the bag I know I will probably not need but it's better to be over prepared in my opinion. Next week I get my nails taken off!! : ( This will be a sad day for me! I've been getting my nails done for over 7 years now (every 3 weeks) but I don't want to scratch my little boy with my claws so I am having them I will save a lot of money over the year. Let's see, I get my nails done about 17-18 times a that is a savings of over $500 a year! Not bad huh?

Fetal Development
Your baby continues to put on weight by about 1/2 pound each week. Its no wonder the womb is becoming very cramped. Your baby is gaining weight quickly because layers of fat pile on and help in both body temperature regulation and developing his immunity in preparation for life in the outside world. You may find you are carrying your baby much lower now (or soon will be) as the baby drops into the birth canal, readying himself for birth. Your baby is about 19 inches long and weighs from 5.5 to 6.0 pounds. The vast majority of babies born now will live with little need for intensive medical treatment.

My Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination (like every 45 minutes)
- Ligament pains
- Slight swelling in my ankles/feet
- TONS of cramping/contractions

36 week belly pic!

1 comment:

Gunnar's Mom said...

Lesli I definately think you have dropped, I'm not sure you are going to make it to 40 weeks. Good luck to you and Erik and a very happy and healthy arrival of baby.