Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 18

Nothing too exciting to report. I had my 2nd OB appt last week (posted below) and everything is going well. I'm still fighting a little cold that is rather annoying but other than that I'm feeling good. Sleeping is getting a little better but I still have hip pain from time to time...the snoogle pillow is helping though. In just a little over 2 weeks I will have my BIG U/S!!! I can't wait!!! I plan to take that day off work so Erik and I can do a little shopping and just celebrate the wonderful news (hoping baby M cooperates).

Some non-pregnancy related news....
I BEAT my manager in sales for lia sophia this past month (Feb)!!!!!!! I'm so excited and I'm still in shock considering she does this full time. I had lots of shows in Feb and made LOTS of extra money! WOOHOO!!! For the 4th month in a row, I am top seller in our unit. I can't wait for our meeting in a couple weeks...I wonder what my big prize will be for beating my manager, not to mention the other gifts I get for being top seller. If I haven't mentioned it before...I LOVE this company!!!! It is truly an awesome company to work for. Oh yea...I almost forgot, I got my first RECRUIT last week!!!! I'm well on my way to becoming a manager of my own, earning commission of others and reaping additional awesome benefits. :)

It is also Erik and I's birthday this week! Erik is 28 today (2nd) and I will be 28 on Wed (4th). It is snowing today and that is how I definitely know it's my birthday week. Every single year it snows around my birthday. I remember numerous cancelled birthday parties as a kid due to weather. I am SOOOOOOOOOO ready for spring! It's time for this crap to go!

Fetal Development
Your baby is growing rapidly. His bones are continuing to harden and the pads of his fingers and toes are formed. He even has his own set of fingerprints developing as well. Your baby is approximately 5.5 inches and weighs about 200 grams (7.5 ounces).

Your baby can kick, swallow, and sleep. He also is developing his stomach, intestine and colon and the intestines collect meconium (the initial stool a baby will pass after birth). If the baby is a boy, the prostate will begin to develop this week as well. The skin is still a bit pink and transparent and his ears still stick out from his head. The four-chambered heart begins to build up muscle cells and is pumping between 25 and 30 quarts of blood per day.

My Symptoms
- Mild hip pain while sleeping

18 week belly pic!


Becki said...

Another cute belly pic! Congrats on the Lia Sophia accomplishment. That's wonderful!

Becki said...

BTW...I'm putting my vote in for boy. I had some crazy dreams last night about babies, and one of them was that you're having a boy.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are doing well! Congrats on Lia Sophia! I'm excited to hear whether you are having a boy or girl.

It's funny you said that it always snows around your birthday. My birthday is in March too and there always seemed to be a snow near my birthday and plans got changed.

Hope you have a great birthday!!