Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!

We had our big u/s today and it was such an amazing experience. The u/s tech spent an hour and a half getting pictures and taking measurements. I originally thought a girl because of what I saw on the u/s I had last week. Of course I am no professional so I knew I could be totally wrong...and I was! We are both so excited and can't wait to get things rolling in the nursery. : )

It's a BOY!!! Here are the "goods"

Love this shot!

His leg...obviously

He was opening his mouth constantly

How we told my parents and all my coworkers (blue cake)

His first outfit (picked out by dad). Love the sandals!


Becki said...

Yea for team blue! What an adorable little outfit Erik picked out.

Jess said...

YAY!!! Congrats on Team Blue!! That's exciting! Sorry, I didn't check earlier...I've been really sick. UGH!