Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 20

I can't believe I am half way there already! Where has the time gone? Now I feel like I need to get my butt in gear and get some things done and checked off our list. This weekend we did move all my lia sophia stuff out of my office....this room will be the nursery. Erik and I are now sharing an office...this should be interesting. The nursery is all bare and ready to go for the baby.
The fluttering that I've been feeling is now becoming more like kicking and Erik even got to feel the baby move for the first time on Saturday morning. His eyes immediately lit up when he felt him/her move, it was cute.

Our big ultrasound is THIS WEDNESDAY!!! YAY!!! I can't wait! I'm both super excited and super nervous. I'm hoping and praying that baby M is healthy in there more than anything else. I'm taking guesses on the sex....

Fetal Development
Over the last four weeks, your baby has grown an incredible amount, and has just about quadrupled his weight. He's big enough that you should be feeling fluttering or quickening quite regularly now. In fact, from his movements you may be able to tell if your baby is awake or asleep. Your baby is anywhere from 25 - 28 cm or 10 inches long and weighs 285-300 grams or 10-11 ounces.

Your baby has started to practice breathing motions, even though his lungs are not yet mature enough to breathe enough air to allow him to survive outside your body. Lanugo (the fine hair) covers your baby's whole body, and hair on his scalp is beginning to grow. Your baby's ears are fully functional now and he enjoys the sound of uterine noise. All the organs and structures of your baby's body are formed and your baby is now entering a period of simple growth. And you may be getting ready to be a grandma already: if your baby is a girl, her uterus is beginning to develop!

My Symptoms
- Hip pains
- Shortness of breath

20 week belly pic!

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