Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 26

I'm down to double digits!!!! WOW...time is flying! I had my last monthly OB appt last week and everything looks GREAT. I am now starting to go every 2 weeks...yikes! My sugar test is scheduled for next week so let's hope I pass this one.

My poor Erik had nose surgery on Wed and has been struggling big time ever since. He is so clogged up that he can not breathe at all and has a constant nose bleed. Sleeping is not an option for him because of how clogged he is. He is not allowed to blow his nose for one week and not allowed to take any other medications other than the pain killers prescribed. He has had a fever ever since the surgery and just feeling like crap. He doesn't even want to get up to do a little cleaning around the house and if anyone knows my husband, you KNOW that he is not feeling well. He is calling the doctor this morning because he really feels that there is an infection of some type in there. Poor guy!

I was busy trying to do some cleaning around the house along with finishing up things in the nursery. My dad was unable to come this weekend to install the chair rail but said he would try his best to get it done during the week. I hope so because I am so ready to get this furniture put in there so I can start decorating! The carpets got cleaned on Friday and boy they look awesome! I can't believe how dirty they really were.

Childbirth classes resume this week and we are starting level 2. I'm excited to learn some labor/breathing techniques and also get a tour of the birth place. : )

Fetal Development
Your baby's developed oil and sweat glands are now functioning. His fingernails, toenails, eyebrows and eyelashes are now fully present and will continue to grow until birth. He can respond to sound and can hear you and those around you. Although we assume that the uterus is a quiet place, the baby has been surrounded by noise for a long time. Things like your heartbeat, digestion, other body functions and external noises are heard by the baby. In fact, you may feel the baby jump at a sudden noise. Your baby is now about 14 inches and weighs a little less than two pounds.

The uterus also allows some light to be seen so your baby is aware of light and dark. Your baby's skin is wrinkled and translucent and may have a reddish color due to the presence of dermal blood vessels. Veins are visible through your baby's skin, although it is quickly changing from transparent to opaque. The following months will see increase in body fat. The lungs continue to mature with the development of air sacs and also begin to secrete surfactant (a substance that will help your baby's lungs expand at birth). At this stage of development the various organs have formed. About 4 out of 10 babies born now may survive (with intensive care services).

My Symptoms
- Round ligament pains
- Shortness of breath

26 week belly pic!


Becki said...

Wow! What a cute belly! Looks like your little boy had a growth spurt this week.

Jess said...

I agree! I can't believe the difference from week 25-26! Seems like you've popped and got a little rounder! Super cute and love the tee! Sorry Erik is sick I hope he feels better!