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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Colic? Acid Reflux?

Over the past week or so Keaton has been EXTRA fussy. Most evenings are spent trying to calm him down while he just screams his head off and I do mean SCREAM! We try everything to calm him down but nothing seems to work. He eventually just gets so worn out the he falls asleep. I feel so bad because we don't know what to do to make him feel better. I've been trying to pay real close attention to how he acts throughout the day hoping that I can get things figured out. Colic is something that starts in the first couple weeks after they are born and usually ends by 2-3, I really don't think this is the problem since he has been a very pleasant baby up until now. This is what I have noticed over the past 2 months that leads me to believe he may have acid reflux issues.

- Recently started spitting up quite a bit after a feeding.

- Sometimes chokes while feeding.

- Coughs at times and makes faces like something came up in his mouth.

- A few times he has stopped breathing for like 5 seconds (so so scary!!!).

- Arches his back while feeding.

- More frequent "wet burps".

- Sudden bouts of screaming...most of which is in the evenings.

He showed a couple signs of this since he was born however, he was always pleasant and it never seemed to bother him. I was always told that if he is happy and doesn't appear to be in pain then he is doing fine but things seem to be making a turn for the worse. I will give him another couple days to see if maybe he just had an upset belly or something and then I will call the doctor to see about what to do. My poor baby! : (


C and M said...

I hope you can get this figured out soon. Those nightly screaming fits can be tough!
Just a couple of possible ideas (of course it may not be any of these but I thought I'd throw them out there, just in case) -
He's getting older now and is taking in his surroundings, etc all day long. Sometimes this happens at the end of the day as a way of processing all of that stimulation.
Sometimes E would have these fits if he was overly tired. It was more work to get him to sleep when he was exhausted. I read that they can become so tired that it is actually physically painful for them.
Hope Keaton is back to his old self soon and that you don't have to deal with acid reflux!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lesli- it may be as simple as switching your formula too. Call that doc and see what they say. Hang in there- it sure sounds like reflux to me.

Lauren H. said...

Are you using powder formula?? Both of my girls had those exact same things, the screaming at night for hours at the top of their lungs, arching, stomach pains. We switched to the premade liquid soy formula and everything was immediately better.