Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 28

I guess my biggest news this week is that I'M OFF THE PROGESTERONE SHOTS!!!! WOOHOO! I went to my OB appt on Friday that was with the one doctor in the practice that is not too fond of the progesterone shots past 1st I knew she would have a comment about it. At first she didn't see on my charts that I was still on them but I finally said something about it and she immediately said, "OMG, you are STILL on them!?!?" I just laughed and said, "Yep...since week 5!" She couldn't believe it especially since my numbers have been great the past couple months. She told me that there is no reason to be on them and to cancel all of my shot appts. I couldn't believe it!! I really thought I would be on them for the remainder of this pregnancy and at this point it wasn't bothering me anymore. My butt, however, thanks Dr. Manning VERY much!!! All of the girls in the practice were saying how they were going to miss seeing me twice a week and checking out what outfit I had on that day. They seem to enjoy my clothing styles along with my lia sophia jewelry. They make a comment every time I'm in there. I will miss them too however I'm starting to go every 2 weeks now so it won't be too long without seeing them. I love how loved I am at this practice!

Anyway, I had my 1hr. sugar test on Friday (along with my OB appt) so I'm awaiting to see if I passed or failed. I REALLY hope that I passed because I really fear that I may have gestational diabetes and I will struggle with that over the summer. No ice cream or sweets!! I am a sugar girl so I'm hoping and PRAYING that I pass this test. We shall see....

I also had my Rhogam shot scheduled over at the hospital on Friday. My OB practice is right next to Holy Spirit so it was nice and convenient to just walk over to get this done. I did not expect to sit in the ER for over 2 hours to get this shot done though. I don't quite understand why this is done in the ER but Erik and I sat and WAITED for 2 hours. It was a long and drawn out affair for something that literally takes 2 seconds to do. We finally left the hospital around 5:30pm (after starting the day at 1pm with my sugar test and OB appt). It was a long day but we got it all done and just happy to be taken off the progesterone shots. Woohoo!!!!

No new progress in the nursery this past week other than they came and delivered our rocker. We were way too busy with yard work, my mom's Harrisburg Singers concert, Mother's Day and Bears games that we didn't work on the nursery at all this weekend. I really hope to get the curtain rods this week so I can hang the curtains. I also have a wall quote to put behind the crib and some pictures to hang. I will post some pics once things get a little more complete. I'm not ready to have the big reveal yet.

I was talking to my MIL this weekend and she told me how she wanted to take me to the Hershey Spa for massages (prenatal massage for me) while she is here visiting over my baby shower. I'm so excited since I've ALWAYS wanted to go there but never had the chance. My MIL is great at spoiling me AND baby Keaton. She has all kinds of gifts to bring with her and all these plans to take me shopping when she arrives too. I feel so blessed to have wonderful family in my life.

Fetal Development
The eyes are partially open and can perceive light. Your baby's eye lashes and eye brows continue to grow and subcutaneous fat is deposited. If you have a baby boy, his testes will probably begin descending. About 9 out of 10 babies born now will survive with intensive care services and the help of medical technology. Your baby is almost 15 inches and weighs over two pounds.

My Symptoms
- Round ligament pain
- Shortness of breath

28 week belly pic!


Becki said...

Looking great! Congrats on being off the progesterone shots! That's great news. I'm sorry that you're going to have to take the 3 hour glucose test. I don't have any experience, but I'll cross my fingers that you'll pass. Can't wait to see the pictures of your nursery!

Jess said...

Look at that cute belly!! I'm sorry you didn't pass your 1 hr. but thats awesome you are off the progeterone shots!!!