Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aw, Man!

Well it doesn't look like I will be coming off the progesterone shots. I just got the call that it only increased to 30.3 (was 30 two weeks ago). Now the doctor wants to put me back on 200mg, which means I'm back to TWO shots in my butt twice a week. Blah!!! Can't wait!

A very good friend of mine just got news yesterday that she is experiencing a second loss. My heart just breaks for her and her husband as they try to move past this terrible event one more time. You really have to wonder why God makes it so difficult for some people...especially people who are absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I don't think I will ever understand. Please keep her and her husband in your thoughts and prayers. It is a terrible thing to experience and I personally know the physical and mental pain that she is dealing with.


Becki said...

I'm sorry to hear that. Here's hoping that you'll be off them soon.

Jess said...

That stinks that you can't get off the shots but I know we'll do anything for a healthy baby!!