Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fright Night

Last night a group of us went to Jason's Woods for a "scary" evening on a haunted hayride. We arrive at 7pm which we thought was early enough to not wait in line but we were so wrong with that. The line was huge for tickets however we were provided with excellent entertainment from "Chelsea and Cameron" which made the wait seem! There was a group that performed Michael Jackson's "Thriller" which was actually pretty cool. Good classic tune to serenade the evenings events.

I don't know what it is about Halloween that makes me feel like I'm 10 years old again but I just enjoy everything about it. The scary movies, the candy, the carved pumpkins, the costumes, the parades...everything! I do think that my excitement for this holiday has rubbed off on my husband though. This year we are doing a haunted house for the trick-or-treaters and Erik is just in his glory figuring out what he is going to be and finding all his "props" for this 2 hour event. I even have a group of friends coming over to participate in this special night of terror. This will either scare the kids away and we will become the "freaks" of the neighborhood or this will have the kids flocking over to see it and we will become the "cool people" of the neighborhood...I'm hoping for #2. My neighbor across the street thinks she is "cool" because she dresses up and puts on a strobe light while passing out hot chocolate to all the adults...well I can't wait to see her mouth drop when she sees that I've become the "cool" one of the block. She will not be able to "outdo" me this year...the kids will not be skipping my house to run across the street to stand in her garage with a strobe light. How scary! I hope she has gallons of hot chocolate leftover...LOL! Ok, sorry...I got a little carried away there. That's the competitiveness in me. Anyway, it will be a great night nonetheless. I will be sure to post pics.

1 comment:

Jess said...

HAHA! I know who's house I'm checking out Halloween night! :-)