Today my little man is 4 months old!!! Time is flying and he is changing so much everyday. I love to just watch him grow and explore new things each and everyday.
Now that he is hitting the 4 month stage, it's time to start some sleep training. Right now he is doing pretty good with bedtime. We stick to a strict bedtime routine starting at 7:30pm. We give him a bath first, followed by a lotion massage, we then put his pajamas on, turn off the lights and give him a bottle and rock him until he gets drowsy....put him in his crib, turn on his raindrop sounds and his is out within a matter of minutes. He will usually sleep a good 5-7 hours before he needs to get up for a quick snack. I feed him and put him back in the crib and he will sleep until 6-7am. Occasionally he will play around in the crib for 15 minutes or so when I put him back down in the middle of the night but he does put himself to sleep without any crying. Overall I am very happy with how he is sleeping...eventually we will try to wean that middle of the night feeding when he is ready.
Now, napping during the day is a whole different story. I can't seem to get Keaton to sleep in his crib during the day. He will only nap in his swing, car seat or on me. I keep trying the crib but he screams bloody murder every time. I think I need to change up my strategy and how I go about getting him to go down without a struggle. Right now when I see that he is getting sleepy, I will pick him up and rock with him until he gets drowsy but that is always a fight...he screams for a couple minutes until he calms himself down to get sleepy. I put him in his swing and he will usually sleep for 1-2 hours (sometimes more). I bought "the no cry sleep solution" and "no cry nap solution" books by Elizabeth Pantley and plan to use some of her techniques in getting him to nap better and to nap in the crib. I hope it all works out soon but WOW, those books have so much information in them that it is so much to process. It all seems so complicated! I didn't know it took this much "training" to get a baby to sleep sure opened my eyes! For you ladies out there that have a baby that sleeps at night and naps great during the day without doing any type of training or routine...YOU ARE LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, over the last month, Keaton has done the following:
- Rolled over belly to back (he now can do both ways)
- Blows bubbles constantly and drools constantly
- Giggles and laughs
- Constantly grabbing on to things and bringing it to his mouth (bib, bottle, toys, my shirt, everything)
- Sitting up VERY well and wants to do it all the time (still obviously needs assistance but he is doing awesome)
- Graduated to size 6 months clothes (Carters)
- Talks (baby talk) ALL THE TIME...he is going to be just like daddy

1 comment:
I couldn't believe it when I saw 4 Months at the top of this post in my Google Reader. The time is flying, and Keaton seems to be really starting to change in his looks! Good luck with getting him to nap better. I think being consistent is the key.
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