I developed a nasty cold this past week and I have been miserable. I really can't take anything for it and I'm not a big pill popper either so I just sucked it up and dealt with it. It was a struggle to get through my busy week but I did take a full day off work (full time job) on Wed along with a half day on Thurs to help me get over this. I'm also experiencing extreme hip pain while I sleep. I woke up in tears Thurs night because the pain was so bad. Erik woke up and helped me get situated down on the couch so I could sleep better. Needless to say I got maybe an hour of sleep that night so work on Fri. was...interesting. I felt TERRIBLE! I decided after doing some research that the "snoodle" body pillow (for pregnant women) really helps with hip and back pain. Erik and I went out right after work on Fri to get one. O.M.G....it was AWESOME! I'm so glad I spent the money to get one. I slept soooooo good Fri night that I was finally feeling better Sat. morning. If anyone is having issues sleeping....I recommend the snoogle!!!! : )
I have *hopefully* my LAST shot tomorrow! I will have bloodwork done as well to make sure my progesterone stayed above 30...if it did, I am DONE with the shots. :::crossing fingers::: My bum really could use the break.
Fetal Development
Your baby's nails are well formed and some babies are even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth. Your baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The limb movements are becoming more coordinated and vigorous. The head is erect and the legs are developed. Both the gender and muscle movements are easily detectable with ultrasound. Your baby is approximately 4 inches long and weighs about 80-85 grams (3 ounces).
My Symptoms
- Fighting a stupid cold

16 week belly pic!
Gah! I can't believe the belly already! I wish I had invested in 'snoodle.' I definitely could have used that in the last few months. I'm sure you'll get your money's worth out of that one.
I like my snoogle as well. Glad you found something that works. I still wake up with a hip or shoulder hurting from laying on one side too long.
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