What's going on in Keaton's world? Well, here ya go...
1. Not walking yet but getting closer every day. He does stand unassisted for a few seconds more and more everyday. He cruises the furniture and anything he can pull himself up on. He is all over the house now and you really need to keep a close eye on him or he will get into everything.
2. He loves to open cabinet doors and drawers in the kitchen and laundry room. We have about 50 cabinet doors and drawers all over the house so he is constantly in them. We did close off the dangerous ones that have poisonous items inside (ie cleaners, detergent, etc.).
3. Babbles constantly...always has something to "say". We think he is saying doggie but sounds more like doo-doo. He "says" a lot of the same things over and over so I'm not sure if he is trying to say something or if its just babble talk. He does say mama and dada to the correct person.
4. He is pointing and using his index finger all the time. Pincher grasp is completely mastered. He picks up the smallest little things...like tiny pieces of lint off the carpet. Then he tries to eat it...haha.
5. Learning body parts more and more. He knows where mouth, nose and eyes are right now. He is way more into animals and is constantly giving me this little picture book of animals that I got from the dollar tree. He points to the correct animal when asked. So cute to see them learning.
6. NO.MORE.BOTTLES! I pretty much just stopped cold turkey right after his birthday. I was obsessed with making sure that I did not start any bad habits throughout his first year. I never let Keaton fall asleep to the bottle at bed time. I always gave him his bottle before his bath during our nightly routine so he did not depend on it to fall asleep. Never gave him the bottle to "calm down" from any tantums or before putting him down for a nap. All of this made it a breeze to ditch the bottles cold turkey. He never missed them!
7. We were down to one nap a day for about a week but found that he needed to go back to two. I thought he was ready and he was doing great for a couple days but then he started falling asleep at his high chair during lunch so I knew that I was pushing him too hard. He is a great napper for me and I'm blessed in that department. He is excellent at putting himself to sleep on his own. Again, I did not want to start any bad habits so I always put him down awake and did not rock him to sleep. He always "talks" to himself for a couple minutes until he drifts off to dream land.
8. Eats like a champ! He is completely eating "big boy" meals now which is so nice when planning meals. I don't have to make a different meal for him anymore...he eats what we eat. : ) Big fan of homemade mac n cheese, spaghetti, tuna noodle casserole, yogurt, and bread.
9. Picks toys up and puts them in containers, puts his blocks in the correct shaped holes, and puts puzzle pieces in the correct spot. My big boy!