Moving right along to 22 is all going so fast, I can't believe it! I just had my 3rd OB appt last week and everything is going great. I have one more appt in 4 weeks and then I start going every 2 weeks. Yikes! My 1 hr. sugar test has been scheduled as well. I'm still feeling lots of movement and Erik likes to feel him roll around in there. It is truly amazing that I have this little boy developing inside me. I feel so blessed!
Fetal Development
The baby is getting bigger and continues to practice for life outside the uterus. This week your baby has fully developed eyelashes and eyebrows and the hair on your baby's head is continuing to grow as his brain begins a rapid growth process. The fetus has fully formed fingerprints and loud noise can wake up the baby. He may begin kicking and turning around, too. Your baby's heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. His nose is taking on a more defined shape as cartilage (the soft bone) appears. If you baby is a boy, the testes have begun to descend from the pelvis into the scrotum. Your baby is approximately 30-32 cm (12.2 inches) and weighs about one pound.
My Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Round ligament pain (ouch!)
22 week belly pic!